What do Rebounders Have to Do with Lymphatic Drainage?

The intensity of your bouncing on a rebounder or mini-trampoline can sometimes act like a supercharge to your lymphatic system!

Your moments of intense gravity at the bottom of the bounce and zero gravity at the top can really provide a great kick to that one-way lymphatic highway. It needs it to stay active!

It’s believed that the lymphatic valves can be opened nice and wide during these fluctuations in gravity, increasing flow up to 15-20 times the norm after only a few minutes of medium-intensity bouncing.

All forms of exercise that strengthen your muscles and improve blood flow are good for your circulation and lymphatic drainage, but there’s something special about the bouncing involved in jumping on a rebounder or mini trampoline.

In short, it’s believed by many that rebounding and trampoline workouts can be excellent therapy for: 
  • removing waste from the body
  • strengthening your immune system
  • improving blood and cellular health
If that all sounds good, let’s take a look at some of the top rebounders for lymphatic drainage!

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