The Best Exercise for Your Lymph System (continue)

To maximize the benefit of your rebound workout:

-Drink 12-16 oz of clean filtered water beforehand.
-Do it outside and connect with God and nature. (If nature permits)
-Take at least 10 deep breaths of fresh air while you do it.
-Get sunlight on as much of your body as you can.
-If possible do it with enough intensity to break a sweat. Give yourself 7-20 minutes.
Sweating is important, but it also means you’ll need a shower afterward. The nice thing about rebounding is you can still get a benefit from it even if you don’t break a sweat. Try to get at least one sweaty rebounder workout per day. I do it first thing in the morning before I shower for the day. If you can’t do it outside, do it inside. Just do it!
My wife Micah even used a rebounding workout dvd to lose her baby weight after our first daughter was born.

Not all rebounders are created equal

The quality of the frame, springs and mat are extremely important. Cheap rebounders are harder on your joints and can cause injury, also they wear out quickly, and have no warranty.
I’ve used a ReboundAir since 2004 and I highly recommend it.
ReboundAir was founded by Al Carter, THE pioneer of rebound exercise.
In fact my mom even has his original book The Miracle of Rebound Exercise from 1979!
The ReboundAir has a Lifetime All Parts Warranty.
They used them on The Biggest Loser campus and ReboundAir has been featured on CBS “The Doctors” television show twice. Cool right?
They make three models: the Standard rebounder, the Classic Half-Fold, and the Ultimate Quarter-Fold.
The Quarter-Fold model is really cool because it folds in half twice (I demonstrate how to fold and unfold it in the video). If you don’t see your self folding and unfolding it often then I recommend the Standard or the Half-Fold models.
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