The Best Rebounder For Your Immune System

Let’s be honest about the immune system, most of us really have no idea what it is, or exactly how it works, we’re just glad we have one.

The immune system is incredibly complex because your body has many lines of defense to rid itself of foreign invaders. In this post I’m going to address one critical component of your immune system. That is your lymphatic system.

Here’s a quick anatomy lesson (I’m going to try to keep this really simple)

Your lymphatic system is composed of your tonsils, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, lymphatic fluid, vessels, and lymph nodes.

The thymus and bone marrow produce white blood cells called lymphocytes.

Your blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to your cells.

Your lymph vessels are like blood vessels except they are full of clear lymphatic fluid that carries white blood cells (B cell and T cell lymphocytes) throughout your body so they can attack invaders and infected cells.

Your lymphatic fluid also carries dead cells, metabolic waste, and toxins away from healthy tissue to be eliminated through sweat, mucus, urine, and liver bile which is carried out in your poop.

Lymph nodes are like holding stations that filter the lymph fluid and capture microbes for B and T cells to deal with. They are located in your armpits, groin, neck and around the blood vessels of your chest and abdomen.

(End of anatomy lesson)

Every day we are bombarded with toxins in our environment and in our food which is why detoxification is such a critical process in your body. If the detox process is hindered, toxins will build up in your body eventually causing acidity and toxemia. These are the root causes of nearly all disease.

You have about three times more lymphatic fluid than blood, but here’s the catch, there’s no pump! Muscle contractions in your body encourage the lymphatic fluid to circulate through a series of one-way valves in your body. So the more you move your body, the more you move your lymphatic fluid.
One of the lesser talked about benefits of exercise is that it moves your lymphatic fluid, which promotes detoxification in your body.

Your skin is the largest detoxification organ and if you exercise vigorously enough to raise your body temperature  you will sweat, expelling toxins out through your skin.

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