A Important Benefit of Rebounder for Lymphatic Drainage

Health Bounce: You NEVER leave your feet off the mat. (or depending on the rebounder, you might have to jump a little above the mat to get close to the range for the Health Bounce.
A good rebounder let’s someone at ANY WEIGHT DO 120 to 130 bounces per minute.
Things that prevent the Health Bounce:
  1. Too soft of a bounce. Gives less bounce. Less Resistance = Less lymphatic flush
  2. Too Firm. Too much Jarring.
  3. Acceleration should come from spring structure, not using muscles to jump in order to create g force. The rebounder should not be too soft nor too firm. Acceleration should enough to give 3 g forces WITHOUT LEAVING THE MAT.
Too much amplitude & with too little resistance CAN KEEP YOU IN THE AIR LONGER, LESS BOUNCES.
  1. Too Firm. Can jar you and can prevent you from bouncing for longer times
  2. Too much coning. When I look at the bottom I measure how much the mat cones in. Even if there is 3 g forces and the rebounder turns your ankles in, this can make it hard to do the Health Bounce. Many people jump with one foot on the edge and one foot in the middle to prevent coning but this usually throws you back to the center unless you are holding on to the bar. But, this can all be avoided by buying a rebounder that fits you. Kind of liking buying shoes. Since most people can’t try them, I try to do all the experiments I can so I can pick out the right rebounder for someone.
Another way of looking at the bounce is how long you get the G forces for. A “flush” or pumping of the one way valves in the lymphatic system needs enough time to close and shut to make it pump. Some rebounders give a more constant force while you are on the mat and some give a more “pop” g force. Both can work but work differently with more or less bounces.

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