The bellicon mini trampoline for the lympatic system

Detoxing is the current health cure de jour. But in reality, your body does an excellent job of this on its own – it just needs you to play your part. That means making a habit of eating healthily as well as regularly getting moderate-intensity exercise and enough sleep. You’ll notice the difference in your physical health, well-being and immunity.

The exercise part of the equation is easily solved with a bellicon® mini trampoline. Rebounding gently and efficiently conditions not only your cardiovascular, muscular and skeletal systems but also your lymphatic and immune systems. The result is a body healthy enough to rid itself of toxins.

Unfortunately, the belief that you’re pouring out impurities in a sweat room is an old wives’ tale. Only about one percent of the toxins purged from your body leave via the skin as perspiration. In fact, excessive sweating can interfere with the cleansing process by robbing the body of too much fluid.

So save yourself the costs and side effects of pills and potions, and detox in nature’s tried-and-trusted way – with a bellicon® workout.

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